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Board Advisory Committees

Annually, special advisory committees are created by the Board. The Board President shall appoint members to each committee to fulfill specific assignments, unless otherwise provided by Board action. The Board President shall be an Ex-Officio member of all Board committees, unless otherwise provided by Board action. The Board President shall appoint two Board Members to each of the following committees to serve as a liaison:

  • Internal Audit Planning Committee
    Purpose: Research other district audit departments in order to set a vision for the Audit Department in Judson ISD. Decide on an operating structure and reporting process.
  • Innovation Committee
    Purpose: Deep dive on current innovative schools, systems, and campuses across the state and nation and then looking at proof points in our current system that are delivering on their promise of equity and long term outcomes for our students.
    • Meeting Dates:
      • Monday, October 16 - 4:30 p.m.
      • Monday, November 6 - 4:00 p.m.
      • Tuesday, January 16 - 4:30 p.m.
  • Legislative Committee
    Purpose: Listening to our community and learning about important issues. Investigate and research important legislative issues and collaborate with other organizations and districts with similar interests.

People at table with speech bubbles
The function of the Board committees shall be fact-finding, deliberative, and advisory, but not administrative. All committees shall meet at least four times a year and report any suggestions or findings to the Board at a regularly scheduled meeting.

In our effort to increase awareness, attendance and active member participation, the Board and Administration are open to our community member’s thoughts, opinions and ideas in regards to new initiatives or improvements resulting in the District’s success in providing and producing excellence for our students. If you are interested in becoming a member, email the Board Secretary at with current contact information to include a valid phone number, mailing address and an alternate email address, if available. Please be sure to indicate what committee(s) you have a desire to become involved with. The committees look forward to working closely with you, alongside with each of our Board Members and Administrators designated to your committee.

Secretary to Board of Trustees
(210) 945-5404
(210) 945-6900 FAX