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Elections Information

Becoming a Candidate

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A declaration of write-in candidacy must be filed no later than 5:00 p.m. of the fifth day after the date an application for a place on the ballot is required to be filed, except for an election to be held on the general election date for state and county officers, when the day of the filing deadline is the 67th day before election day. An application of a candidate for a place on the ballot must be filed not later than 5:00 p.m. of the 62nd day before the day of the election, except for an election to be held on the general election date for state and county officers, when the day of the filing deadline is the 70th day before election day. An application may not be filed earlier than the 30th day before the date of the filing deadline. The application shall include all statutorily required information, including a statement that the candidate is aware of the nepotism law. Education Code 11.055(a), (c), 11.056(b), (e); Election Code 31.0021, 141.031, 144.005

Residency Requirement

A candidate for a Trustee representing the District At Large, must reside within the attendance boundaries of the District.

Residents of each of the five (5) Trustee districts are entitled to elect one Trustee to the Board to represent each Single Member District. A candidate for Trustee representing a single-member district must be a resident of the district the candidate seeks to represent.

All candidates must meet eligibiltyrequirements, see also BBA(LEGAL).

Terms of Office

The Board consists of seven Trustees, two elected at large and five elected from single-member districts in accordance with Texas law, serving terms of four years, with elections falling on odd-numbered years. The terms of one-third of the Trustees, or as near to one-third as possible, expire each year. Elections are held in May according Texas Education Code.

Election News

The best source for current election news and coverage is our Jblog. We have a category dedicated to the School Board - look for items tagged "Board" or click "Board" in the sidebar to view all items. Here is a quick link to the Board items in the Jblog: Jblog "Board" Category

Secretary to Board of Trustees
(210) 945-5404
(210) 945-6900 FAX