Employee Superintendent Advisory Committee (ESAC)
Judson ISD ESAC is a selected representative advisory group that works with the superintendent and on behalf of the campus or department the individual represents. ESAC meets once a month with the Superintendent to present information and make recommendations regarding issues of importance to Judson Independent School District.
Purpose and Mission of the Employee Superintendent Advisory Committee (ESAC)
The Superintendent Employee Advisory Committee is the representative organization for the staff of Judson ISD and serves as a forum through which employees can express, discuss, and exchange ideas relevant to Judson ISD and its employees. The mission of the ESAC is to provide a forum for communicating ideas and information between employees and the superintendent.
The ESAC Shall:
- Act in an advisory capacity on issues of concern to all staff,
- Work to improve general communication amongst staff,
- Gather input from staff and make recommendations on guidelines/procedures, and
- Provide a safe place for staff to express concerns and share ideas.
Why the Superintendent Established the ESAC:
To promote a workplace environment that:
- Collaborates with members of the organization, so that input of its staff may be shared,
- Is characterized by straightforwardness, honesty, and reliability and transparency, and
- Recognizes that all Judson ISD employees are diverse, valuable assets and must be treated ethically, morally, and respectfully.
Members of ESAC
If you have an issue or concern of interest, any employee may seek out their campus or department representative.
Meeting Dates and Times
Regularly ESAC monthly meetings shall be held on the dates specified below. In the ERC Board Room, beginning at 5:00 unless otherwise notified. Special meetings may be held at the request of the Superintendent, and a minimum of at least three days’ notice will be given via email to each member.
- October 15th
- November 14th
- January 22nd
- February 18th
- March 27th
- April 23rd
Length of Service
- Members of ESAC will serve a two-year term.
- No one can serve more than two (2) consecutive terms; a member must be off for one (1) year before trying to serve another term.
- Members will be replaced if they miss more than two sessions without prior excuse.
For the ESAC to fulfill its intended purpose, members must commit to attending every meeting. If a member cannot attend, it is their responsibility to ensure that an alternate sits in for them and that the superintendent is notified before the meeting. If a team member misses more than two meetings in a year without an alternate, they will be removed from service.
Any fulltime Judson ISD employee may qualify to represent their respective department and/or campus; they are required to have worked in Judson ISD for one (1) year.
Rules for ESAC Meetings
- This is NOT a complaint session, but a way to find SOLUTIONS to common issues.
- Issues must be presented in a constructive, professional manner.
- If you bring up an issue, you MUST have at least one possible idea of how to resolve the issue, and the group can also discuss other ideas for resolution.
- All issues brought up will be respected and all suggestions and ideas will be treated with respect.
- All members will act and speak respectfully to each other.