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District Calendar of Events

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
Sunday, December 29
Monday, December 30
Tuesday, December 31
Wednesday, January 1
Thursday, January 2
Friday, January 3
Saturday, January 4
Sunday, January 5
Monday, January 6
Tuesday, January 7
Wednesday, January 8
Thursday, January 9
Friday, January 10
Saturday, January 11
Sunday, January 12
Monday, January 13
8th Grade Parent Night
Judson Middle School

Join us to learn about Personal Graduation Plans, Advanced Academics, and explore an ElectiveShowcase! We will explain TSTEM, JECA, Dual Credit,AP, CTE, Fine Arts, and Athletics for incoming students.

Growth & Planning Meeting - Coronado Village Elementary Repurpose
Coronado Village Elementary

Join us on January 13, 2025, for the JISD Growth and Planning meeting to discuss the repurposing of Coronado Village Elementary School. The meeting will begin at 6:30 p.m. at Coronado Village Elementary.


Tuesday, January 14
Superintendent's Student Advisory Council
JHS Library
8th Grade Parent Night
Metzger & Woodlake Hills Middle Schools

Join us to learn about Personal Graduation Plans, Advanced Academics, and explore an ElectiveShowcase! We will explain TSTEM, JECA, Dual Credit,AP, CTE, Fine Arts, and Athletics for incoming students.

SEPAC Meeting

Parents, please join us for an insightful and engaging session led by a Board-Certified Behavior Analyst, Coach, and National Speaker called Empowering Parents:  Practical Strategies for Supporting Children with Autism. Join the meeting here.

Wednesday, January 15
8th Grade Parent Night
Kirby & Kitty Hawk Middle Schools

Join us to learn about Personal Graduation Plans, Advanced Academics, and explore an ElectiveShowcase! We will explain TSTEM, JECA, Dual Credit,AP, CTE, Fine Arts, and Athletics for incoming students.

Thursday, January 16
High School Program Showcase
Judson High School

8th graders and their families are invited to tour high school campuses and learn about the great programs & courses at each high school.

High School Showcase Night
Judson High School
Friday, January 17
Saturday, January 18
Sunday, January 19
Tuesday, January 21
Thursday, January 23
Subscribe to Alerts High School Showcase
Wagner High School
Subscribe to Alerts School Board Meeting
Judson ISD School Boardroom
Friday, January 24
Saturday, January 25
Sunday, January 26
Monday, January 27
Tuesday, January 28
Wednesday, January 29
Thursday, January 30
Friday, January 31
Saturday, February 1