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HB3 Goals

The Board’s student outcome goals, as aligned with the school system mission, are:

  1. The percentage of 3rd-grade students that score meets grade level or above on STAAR Reading will increase from 32% to 65% by June 2027.  
  2. The percentage of 3rd-grade students that score meets grade level or above on STAAR  Math will increase from 31% to 54% by June 2027.
  3. The percentage of 7th-grade students that score at Approaches grade level or above on STAAR Math will increase from 37% to 60% by June 2027. 
  4. The percentage of graduates that meet the criteria for CCMR will increase from 50% to 72% by June 2027. 

The Superintendent shall interpret and implement the Board's student outcome goals and, in consultation with the Board, shall select goal progress measures for each student outcome goal [see AE(EXHIBIT)]. For any school year during which the Board's student outcome goals are not met, the Superintendent shall make reasonable progress toward meeting the student outcome goals.

The Board shall not change the established student outcome goals for five years unless they are met or there is a natural disaster outside of the District's control that affects the teaching and learning environment.

Please click here to read the entire local AE-Educational Philosophy.