Judson ISD
Producing Excellence
The Results Driven Accountability (RDA) data is reported at district, regional, and state levels on the performance of school districts and charter schools in selected program areas (bilingual education/English as a second language/English learners, other special populations inclusive of students in foster care, students who are homeless, students who are military-connected, and special education).
2023 Results Driven Accountability Determination Levels (DL)
Bilingual Education/English as a Second Language/Emergent Bilingual (BE/ESL/EB) |
Needs Assistance (DL 2) |
Other Special Populations (OSP) |
Needs Assistance (DL 2) |
Special Education (SPED) |
Needs Assistance (DL 2) |
TEA Results Driven Accountability Data & Reports
For historical RDA Reports, please click here to visit the TEA website.