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Alumni Network

JISD Alumni Network
Judson ISD is excited to develop and grow our Alumni Network for our past and present students! 
Complete the Alumni Network form to be added to our email database and receive information about events and activities, outreach opportunities, and the many great things happening throughout Judson ISD.


Kim Cathey
Community Relations Liaison
(210) 945-5417
At Judson ISD we want to cultivate a meaningful network that not only instills pride in your alma mater and the Judson ISD community but also creates beneficial relationships that inspire our current students and staff. 
We would love to share your story. If you are interested in being involved in the work of inspiring, supporting or connecting, please contact us.

Alumni Features

Photo of Lawrence Young

Meet Judson ISD Alumnus Lawrence Young.  Lawrence is a 2011 graduate of Wagner High School and spends his days helping soldiers and civilians regain their independence through physical therapy. 

Rooted in JISD - Nephtali Bryant

Meet Judson ISD Alumnus Nephtali Bryant. As a member of the 1995 Judson Rocket State Champion Football team, he learned a lot about the sport, but he also learned a lot about life.