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Judson ISD is committed to fostering academic success and social well-being for all students. A comprehensive testing program is one essential component of a student's academic experience. The district and campuses evaluate the data gathered from tests in order to plan instruction that focuses on the needs of each student.

The Judson ISD Office of Assessment is responsible for coordinating and implementing state and local assessments. The department supports campuses and district personnel by providing training and information regarding testing policy and procedures. It assures that state regulations are followed for the security and confidentiality of all state tests. The Office of Assessment, in collaboration with other departments, works to ensure that results accurately reflect our students' progress and promotes best practices for students to reach their goals towards graduation and college & career preparation. 

More information about the Texas Assessment program for families, educators, and administrators can be found at Texas

Jose Sandoval
Director of Assessment
(210) 945-5329

Accessing STAAR Scores

We know that your child’s education is of the utmost importance to you and, therefore, want you to remain informed of their academic performance. With this in mind, please know that you will are able to access your child’s state assessment results via the District’s Skyward Family Portal. Instructions to accessing your child’s results in the Skyward Family portal can be found at or by or by scanning the QR Code below:

If you are a parent of a student who takes End-of-Course Exams (HS and 8th graders taking Algebra/Biology), preliminary results will be available June 7th, and final results will be available July 15th. For 3rd – 8th grade STAAR testers, preliminary results will be available starting June 14th, and final results will be available July 24th. If your student took an End-of-Course exam in June, the preliminary scores will be available August 2nd, and final results will be available September 4th.

If you need to obtain Skyward Login credentials or need assistance in logging in to Skyward, please contact the Technology Department at or by calling (210) 945-5473 ext. 81473.

If you have any questions or need assistance on understanding your student’s scores, please contact your campus administration or Office of Assessment at (210) 945-5329.