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Assessment Resources

Texas Assessment Website 

This website provides families, educators, and administrators with many resources regarding the Texas State Assessment. You can retrieve STAAR scores from this site, learn about the accountability system, and access valuable resources to prepare students for success. Click HERE to explore this website. 

Student Assessment History

TEA Offers Optional End of Year Assessment 

 The Texas Education Agency has partnered with Pearson to design an Optional End of Year Assessment. These assessments are an optional tool schools, and parents can use to measure student progress and understanding of the statewide curriculum, the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS), taught this school year. Judson ISD has opted not to administer this test to our students. However, parents may independently register and test their students and view test results!

Former TAKS Examinees

Beginning with the 2017–2018 school year, the Texas Assessment of Knowledge and Skills (TAKS) assessments will no longer be administered. Students for whom TAKS is a graduation requirement, including former TAAS and TEAMS examinees, may visit TEA to learn about the options available to receive a Texas high school diploma. To visit TEA, click HERE.