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Credit by Examination


  • Credit by Examinations (CBE) are scheduled four times a year and are posted on the district website and student handbook.
  • The principal or counselor shall advise the student and parent of the rigorous standards required to be met if the CBE testing proceeds.
  • A student eligible to take a CBE test must register with the school counselor by the established deadline (no later than 30 days prior to the scheduled testing date). 
  • If an application is received after the deadline, the student will not be allowed to test. 
  • Eligible students will be administered subject tests that cover the essential knowledge and skills of the desired course/grade. To advance to the next grade, an elementary student must earn a grade of 80% or higher on each of the four essential knowledge and skills test (reading/language arts, math, science, and social studies). Elementary students that want to challenge a grade level during the school year may take up to two tests per administration. Secondary students must earn a grade of 80% or higher to earn credit for acceleration.
  • A student who is homeless or in substitute care who transfers to the district after the start of the school year may be administered credit by examination at any point during the school year.



  • A student may not receive credit by examination for a course/grade in which the student is currently enrolled.
  • A student who chooses to receive credit by examination for a specific course is not guaranteed the availability of the next level course the following school year or semester.
  • A student may not take credit by examination tests for the same course/grade more than two times.
  • If a student fails to earn credit by examination for a specific high school course before the beginning of the school year, in which the student would ordinarily be required to enroll, in accordance with the school district's prescribed course sequence, the student must satisfactorily complete the course to receive credit.
  • A student who has excessive absences is not eligible to apply for credit by examination. “Excessive absences” refers to 10% absenteeism, as described in the Texas Education Code.

CBE UT High School Website

CBE Exam Study Guides

Pre-Registration is required. Please contact your campus counseling department for CBE eligibility criteria.

Elementary CBE Testing Schedule

Qtr. Registration Deadline Administration Window
1 9/6/24 9/26-27/24
2 11/1/24 12/5-6/24
3 1/31/25 2/27-28/25
4 4/4/25 5/8-9/25


Kindergarten Acceleration
Automatic Eligibility

For the purposes of this provision, a child who is five years old on or before September 1 is automatically eligible for grade 1 rather than kindergarten if:

  • The student has completed public school kindergarten; or
  • The student has been enrolled and received direct instruction in grade 1 in a public school in another state prior to transferring to a Texas public school.

Currently in Kindergarten
Request Process for Placement in 1st Grade

A child who is five years old on or before September 1 may be assigned to grade 1 rather than kindergarten in accordance with the following process:

  • A parent shall request in writing to the campus principal that they wish for their child to be considered for acceleration into grade 1.
  • Requests shall be made no earlier than upon registration completion for the most current school year and no later than the end of the first full week of instruction at the beginning of the school year.
  • No later than two weeks after the first day of instruction, the student shall take a District-designated readiness or achievement assessment (to include literacy and math)

Criteria for acceleration

  • Scores on the District-designated assessment that indicate that a student would only need core support and has minimal risk of reading or math difficulty in grade 1.
  • Chronological age and observed social and emotional development of the student.

Placement in 2nd Grade

Starting in the spring, kindergarten students may take the four content examinations for 1st grade. If the student scores 80% or higher on all four exams, the principal shall place the student in the 2nd grade in the following year.

Currently in Grades 1–5

The student will take the essential knowledge and skills exams for all four subjects required for the next grade level. For example, a current 3rd grade student will take the 4th grade exams. If the student scores 80% on all four exams, the principal shall place the student in the 5th grade in the following year.

Students may take up to two exams per administration. If the student scores 80% or higher on the tests, then they will be assigned the remaining subject tests during the next CBE administration scheduled within the current school year.

Secondary CBE Testing Schedule

Qtr. Registration Deadline Administration Window
1 9/6/24 9/26-27/24
2 11/8/24 12/12-13/24
3 1/17/25 2/13-14/25
4 4/17/25 5/15-16/25


Currently in Grades 6-12 for Advancement/Acceleration of Subject or Course

School personnel should review student’s assessment history, attendance history and current schedule once the student or parent has registered for a CBE. If the student has not been successful on like assessments, they should be counseled on the likelihood of passing, and directed to study guides and other preparation resources. However, school personnel may not deny the student the opportunity based solely on state or district assessment scores. The Accountability & Assessment Department will order the requested exam(s), and the counselor will coordinate the proctoring of the assessment on the designated dates. A student who scores 80% on a CBE will receive 1/2 credit for that semester course.

Secondary school students may only take two CBE subject assessments during each administration for 1/2 credit each.

Courses with Corresponding EOCs

A student may earn credit for a course that has a corresponding EOC. A student who scores 80% or higher on each semester CBE will earn full credit for the course and may opt to use the exam as a substitute assessment for the EOC for graduation requirements. 

Currently in Grades 6-12 for Recovery of Credit

A student who has previously taken a course or subject but did not receive credit or a final grade may, in some circumstances, be permitted to earn credit or a final grade by passing a CBE test. If the student is granted approval to take an examination for this purpose, the student must score at least 70% on the CBE.