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RaaWee K12 Solutions for Chronic Absenteeism, Truancy & Tardy


Judson ISD is proud to announce our new system RAAWEE. RaaWee Attendance+ is a collaboration platform that allows schools to implement best practices for improving student attendance. It is built to reduce the efforts of school and district staff tremendously in tracking students with attendance challenges and helps them to engage students very quickly. Robust and real-time data capturing, and accessibility make this system uniquely positioned as an essential tool in curtailing truancy and chronic absenteeism.

RAAWEE will send parents notifications when a student has three, five, and ten unexcused absences. At three, the system will send out the first warning notice. At five, the system will send out an attendance behavior improvement plan. At 10 unexcused absences, the system will send out the second warning notice. The system allows the parent to respond to the notifications via email instantly.

Texas Compulsory Attendance Law Section §25.085