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College and Career Readiness School Models (CCRSM)

Judson ISD’s College & Career Readiness School Models (CCRSM)




Judson ISD offers three different CCRSM schools, which specialize in particular college and career pathways to give students a unique experience that blends high school curriculum, college coursework, and industry readiness.





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Judson Early College Academy

Judson Early College Academy (JECA) is a designated Early College High School (ECHS) in partnership with Northeast Lakeview College that focuses on providing students will a well-rounded high school experience while earning their Associate Degree in Liberal Arts

Key Features


  • Emphasis is in Liberal Arts and includes coursework such as
  • Students take high school courses at JECA campus and college courses at Northeast Lakeview
  • Campus is located next to Northeast Lakeview College
  • Students must apply for Freshman year at JECA and are selected by lottery

For more information see the JECA Brochure

  • High School Diploma
  • Associate Degree in Liberal Arts
  • 60 College Credit Hours







Judson High School P-TECH

Judson High School Pathways in Technology Early High School in conjunction with St. Philip’s College and industry partners provides students with an intensive experience in automotive, dental, and nursing pathways while allowing for a comprehensive high school experience.

Key Features


  • Emphasis is to prepare students to be a step ahead in the areas of automotive, dental and nursing as they graduate job-ready and college-ready, while providing them will real experiences in their respective fields.
  • Students take high school courses at JHS along will work-force readiness opportunities in the community
  • Students must apply for Freshman year at JHS and are selected by lottery.

For more information see the P-TECH Flyer

  • High School Diploma
  • Industry-based Certificates
  • Level I College Certificate through St. Philip’s College
  • Up to 30 College Credit Hours







Thunderbird STEM Academy

Judson ISD’s TSTEM Academy, located on the campus of Wagner HS, is a Pathways in Technology Early High School (PTECH) in conjunction with St. Philip’s College and industry partners that provides students with an intensive experience in engineering, program and software development, and biomedical science pathways while allowing for a comprehensive high school experience.

Key Features


  • Emphasis is to prepare students to be a step ahead in the areas of engineering, program and software development, and biomedical science as they graduate job-ready and college-ready, while providing them will real experiences in their respective fields.
  • Students take high school courses at WHS along will work-force readiness opportunities in the community
  • Students must apply for Freshman year at TSTEM and are selected by blind lottery.

For more information see the TSTEM Flyer

  • High School Diploma
  • Industry-based Certificates
  • Level I College Certificate through St. Philip’s College
  • Up to 42 College Credit Hours