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Hall of Honor

The Judson ISD Hall of Honor Recognition Program acknowledges those who have achieved and reflected a positive example and embody the spirit of Judson ISD. Being a part of the Judson ISD Hall of Honor is one of our highest tributes. Inductees have used their talents and abilities to overcome challenges and obstacles to achieve excellence in either the world of athletics or in a civic sense as contributors in our society. These individuals give back to our community and unequivocally represent Judson ISD in the most honorable ways.

District employees and the community may nominate someone they feel lives out the integrity and accomplishments of being a member of the Judson ISD Hall of Honor.  A person can enter the Hall of Honor as an Athletic or Civic inductee.  Individuals or teams selected to be inducted into the Judson ISD Hall of Honor will be announced and celebrated at the annual Judson Education Foundation Gala.