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Trademark Licensing

The Judson Independent School District has an interest in images, icons, mottos and logos developed by the District and its member schools. These trademarks or images help define and identify the District and its schools within the community. Therefore, the District seeks to protect these images and their use for events, activities and materials that benefit the District and further its mission.

In this regard the Judson Independent School District has registered several of its logos including

the Judson Rockets "Diamond J" logo, Judson Rockets word mark,

Wagner Thunderbirds logo and Wagner Thunderbirds word mark

Veterans Memorial HS and Judson Early College Academy logo.


Permitted Uses:

Subject to the restrictions listed below, and within parameters established by associated Administrative Rule, the District permits the following uses of its trademark(s):

  • To recognized and approved student and school groups in the District without prior approval.
  • To community groups, which support the District's curricular or extra-curricular activities such as PTO's and booster clubs, with the prior written approval of the Superintendent of Schools or designee.
  • To other individuals, groups, organizations or commercial entities, only by a written license agreement with Judson ISD. In granting such agreement, Judson ISD will consider both the direct and indirect benefit to students and the impact of such agreements on other approved uses.

Uses NOT Permitted:

Trademark(s) may not be used in connection with the following products or in any other manner that would injure the reputation of the District. Prohibited uses include, but are not limited to:

  • Alcoholic Beverages - distilled alcohol liquors, wines, beers and malt liquors or the conveyance or distribution of these items.
  • Tobacco Products - all types.
  • Inherently Dangerous Products - such as firearms, explosives, knives and fuels.
  • Obscene or Disparaging Products.

The District reserves the right to revoke logo or word mark privileges at any time at its sole discretion.

For more information on how to obtain a logo licensing agreement, call 210-945-5414.