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Here at the Judson ISD Science Department we strive to help students learn through the Claims - Evidence - Reasoning model of questioning. As students learn about the world around them, we help them understand the themes of science: patterns, cycles, systems, models, change and constancy. These themes recur in all aspects of science from Kindergarten through High School.

Our goal is to help our students with their processing, reasoning, and presentation skills when examining and discussing data from the world around them through a cross-curricular approach to the sciences.

The Science Coordinators assist the Judson ISD teachers by providing:

  • Lesson guidance
  • Data review and interpretation
  • PLC support
  • Model Teaching
  • Lesson and assessment writing
  • Updated professional learning opportunities 
  • District guidance for regional competitions in science


Jamie Sales
Elementary Science Coordinator
(210) 945- 5100 x61335

Alesia Brock
Secondary Science Coordinator
(210) 945-5323