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Curriculum & Instruction

The Curriculum & Instruction Department is proud to serve the students, teachers, paraprofessionals and administrators of Judson ISD!  The C&I Team is made up of Accountability, Testing, and Data Research, Core Content Area Specialists, Response to Intervention, English Language Learner, Instructional Technology, Professional Learning and Instructional Materials Departments.  The C&I Team provides support to our teachers and students by:

  • Collaborating with instructional leadership and campus staff to ensure the implementation of evidence-based instructional practices through planning, co-teaching, and modeling
  • Assisting teachers with meeting the individual needs of all student populations by providing high quality resources
  • Developing a tiered and aligned curriculum with high-yield instructional strategies and supports for struggling learners
  • Creating formative district common assessments to drive instruction and monitor student progress
  • Guiding teacher leaders (PLLC) in facilitating relevant professional learning through our comprehensive professional learning plan
  • Providing instructional coaching and mentoring support

The C&I Team looks forward to a fabulous school year! Should you have any questions or need any assistance, please contact our office.  Thank you.

Mary Duhart-Toppen, Ed.D.
Deputy Superintendent of Teaching and Learning

(210) 945-5330

Kristin Saunders, Ed.D
Assistant Superintendent of Curriculum & Instruction

Debbie Menshew
Secretary to the Assistant Superintendent of Curriculum & Instruction
(210) 945-5330