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ESSA Advisory Committee

The Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) is the federal K–12 education law. ESSA was signed into law in 2015, replaced No Child Left Behind, and reauthorized the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA). ESEA was signed into law in 1965 by President Lyndon Baines Johnson. ESSA requires every state to measure performance in reading, math, and science. Every school must inform parents about their standards and their results. 

ESSA requires every state to provide parents with important information on test performance in reading, math, and science. The report cards must also provide data on graduation rates, suspensions, absenteeism, teacher qualifications, and many other areas. Texas parents may find this information on and in data reports on the Performance Reporting pages. 

The Director of Federal Programs and Grants Department has called upon a group of stakeholders from across the district and neighboring communities to serve as an Advisory Committee in the development of the District's Parent and Family Engagement Policy, acquire knowledge of the ESSA Program Budget Summary, and give input on Title Program Evaluation. The Advisory Committee is composed of parents, teachers, principals, other school leaders, paraprofessionals, students, community members, and business groups.The Advisory Committee meets twice a year (Fall and Spring).

Judson ISD looks forward to working with the Advisory Committee to ensure all students are college and career ready. Together, we are the difference.