Judson ISD
Producing Excellence
Metro Health Immunization Clinic
Monday-Friday (Immunization records and Vaccines)
210 N. Mel Waiters Way
San Antonio, TX 78202
(210) 207-8894
Visit sanantonio.gov/immunizations.org
**Please Note: Clinic may close early and without notice if full to capacity and total service transactions cannot be completed by 4:30PM.**
They DO NOT accept private insurance. Medicaid is accepted. They ONLY accept Community First CHIP & Superior Health CHIP. Please call (210)207-8894 for any other questions.
Davis School-Based Clinic
4702 E Houston Street
San Antonio,TX 78220
11:45 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Schedule an appointment: 210-644-2050
Services at Davis school-based health clinic: