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Instructional Technology

What We Do

With the advancement of technology into almost every aspect of our lives, Instructional Technology has the responsibility to prepare students of Judson Independent School District to succeed. Regardless of career choice, all people need the problem-solving and critical thinking skills taught through hands-on technology instruction. Instructional Technology seeks to promote student potential for reasoning, imagining, creating, constructing, and expressing with technological tools. We are the link between the education of today and the technology of tomorrow. The goals for Instructional Technology are:
  • Provide staff development and other educational opportunities in the use of technology to enhance instruction.
  • Provide training opportunities in the use of technology to improve job efficiency.
  • Provide tools and directions for the use of technology in appropriate instructional settings.

How We Do It

Our mission is to collaborate with campus administrators and staff in the acquisition and integration of innovative technologies that contribute to success in student learning with the integration of Technology Application TEKS. Our department provides staff development in the area of technology integration and technology literacy in addition to technology-based products, content area curriculum support, campus technology planning and evaluation. 


Brandy Moreau
Instructional Technology Coordinator

Katherine Taylor
Instructional Technology Specialist

Mason Nichols
Instructional Technology Specialist