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Judson Education Foundation


The Judson Education Foundation is a tremendous tool that helps raise money for student scholarships and teacher grants for innovative instruction.  JEF does that through a number of fundraising and community connecting events. Each year the Judson Education Foundation awards tens of thousands of dollars to students and teachers to support them in their education and their work in the classroom. 

The Judson Education Foundation is an independent, nonprofit 501(c)(3) tax-exempt, philanthropic organization of citizens formed in 1999 that supports the mission, vision and values of the Judson Independent School District.


The Foundation's mission is to inspire, support, engage, and empower the Judson ISD Family.


The Judson Education Foundation is "Producing Excellence" by ...

  • Building a sustainable endowment.
  • Creating a well-funded scholarship and grant account that increases annually.
  • Conducting the foundation with fully operational committees and board members.
  • Reaching out to community and business members.
  • Communicating and networking citywide.
  • Ensuring structured management and operating principles.


  • Students and Teachers First
  • Teamwork
  • Integrity and Respect
  • Accountability
  • Commitment

Interested in becoming a member of the Judson Education Foundation? We are looking for individuals who can actively serve a 3-year commitment to support our efforts in raising money for innovative Teacher Grants and Student Scholarships. 

Lexie Greathouse
Executive Director of the Judson Education Foundation
(210) 945-5414