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Defining Diversity, Equity, Access, Inclusion, and Belonging

Diversity refers to how diverse a company is, not only in terms of race and gender, but also in sexual orientation, age, national origin, physical ability, religion, and more. For example, working for ethnically diverse companies doesn’t mean everyone feels valued or welcome–a challenge we discuss a bit later.
Equity represents how fair and impartial the workplace is, intending to ensure that all employees have equal opportunities to grow and progress. It also means creating room for underrepresented voices, tackling unconscious biases, and providing inclusive, culturally competent care through your health plan.
Access emphasizes the importance of ensuring full entrance into quality education programs led by highly qualified teachers for all learners according to their academic needs.
Inclusion highlights the importance of creating a welcoming environment for all, not just ensuring that people are treated fairly. Both in policy and practice, employers should focus on making sure that everybody is heard and is provided opportunities to voice their opinions, not just those that are comfortable in the spotlight.
Belonging signifies the affinity and positive relationships that emerge between employees of various backgrounds when businesses actively promote diversity, equity, and inclusion within the workplace.