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Student Advocacy

The Chief of Student Advocacy serves as a member of the Superintendent’s Cabinet, partnering with district leaders to develop and drive forward the key strategies of the organization.

Dr. Johnson leads the district’s commitment and strategy to be a diverse, antiracist, equitable, and inclusive organization.

They are responsible for setting and implementing an overarching vision of diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI), both at the programmatic and administrative levels, that works to eliminate systemic organizational marginalization and promotes inclusion and anti-racist practices that will be evidenced through our structures, customs, and leadership.

The Chief of Student Advocacy partners with students, families, staff, and board members to actively and continuously identify and intentionally eliminate all forms of systemic racism and oppression.


  • To promote learning environments that are welcoming, affirming, equitable, inclusive, and diverse to foster a sense of belonging at Judson ISD and beyond, with the goal of advancing student potential and growth.
  • To move our mission forward, we endeavor to:
  • Align our mission and actions through meaningful accountability measures and data to ensure progress on goals related to equity, diversity, access, inclusion, and belonging.
  • Dismantle systemic barriers for marginalized and underserved populations to thrive.
  • Champion equity, diversity, access, inclusion, and belonging in academic and extracurricular activities by developing opportunities for collaboration and community across the district.
  • Provide educational resources, programs, outreach, and learning experiences that promote access and equity.
  • Foster learning and working conditions that empower physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being.


To make the Judson Independent School District a place where equity, diversity, access, inclusion, and belonging are inseparable from institutional excellence and to model intentional behaviors that respect each member’s humanity. To honor the unique character, circumstance, and experience of individuals while working together to create a transformative community of practice that respects, values, and supports all.

We are committed to:

• Embracing our individual and collective diversity
• Building relationships with a human-centered approach
• Strengthening community engagement with a focus on student voice
• Promoting a growth mindset
• Holding ourselves and each other accountable
• Partnering with students and families to provide an equitable and positive educational experience


Dr. Paula Johnson
Assistant Superintendent of Student Advocacy