Reserve Facilities
Who May Reserve
The JISD Operations Division is committed to making campus facilities available for use for the community. First priority will always be given to the education of students. The Board of Trustees permits and encourages public use of designated school facilities for educational, recreational, civic, or social activities, when activities do not conflict with school use or with school policy. All decisions for facility use are made with this in mind. Being a taxpayer or submitting a Facility Use Procedure and Application packet does not guarantee the right to utilize any JISD facility. Forms must be submitted, processed, and considered on a first-come first-served basis.
All organizations/groups must submit proof of Certificate of Liability Insurance at the same time the Facility Use Application is submitted. A CLI named JISD as an additional insured in the amount of no less than $1,000,000.
- FSDirect (SchoolDude application) is a feature that allows staff, faculty members, and administrators to submit facility schedules and events. All principals or assistant principals should have access to review any and all events held on their campuses.
- A principal or designee (typically the campus secretary or AP) can enter any campus events or community event. (NOTE: Any new community group/organization not listed in FSDirect need to be submitted to Facilities and Planning, Veronica Covarrubias, for input into the system. DO NOT enter an outside entity under your school name under “Organization Information”.)
Specific Facilities
Athletic Facilities Major athletic facilities including the football stadium, gyms, soccer stadium and baseball and softball fields. |
If you are interested in reserving Athletic Facilities for an activity or event, here are the basic steps in the process:
Campuses Campus cafeterias or gyms for district or public use. (see above for athletic areas) |
If you are interested in reserving Campus Facilities for an activity or event, here are the basic steps in the process:
District Office Facilities Includes:
Facilities located at the Administrative District Office or the Educational Resource Center (ERC) can be reserved by faculty members who have received approval from their Administrator. If you are interested in reserving a District Office conference Room for an activity or event, here are the basic steps in the process:
Performing Arts Center (PAC) Facilities Includes:
If you are interested in reserving the PAC Facilities for an activity or event, here are the basic steps in the process:
Performing Arts Center Rental Agreement |