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Police Department

Mission Statement

The primary mission of the Judson ISD Police Department is to break down the barriers between law enforcement and youth by establishing better communications, and to:

  • Provide a visible and positive image for law enforcement by serving as a confidential source of counseling to students concerning the problems they face;
  • Bring expertise into schools to help young people to make more positive choices in their lives;
  • Provide a safe and secure environment for students, staff, and citizens while those individuals are on school property during the school day, or are attending or participating in school-sponsored or school-related activities during times that differ from the normal school day;
  • Maintain an atmosphere where teachers feel safe to teach and students feel safe to learn;
  • Protect the property of the district, both real and personal, wherever located, and whether that property is owned, leased, rented or otherwise under control of the district;
  • Protect the personal property of those individuals attending or engaging in school-related activities.
  • Provide a better understanding of our state laws and their benefits to students and staff of the district. 



Teresa Ramon
Chief of Police
(210) 659-9789

Jessica Perez
Police Department Secretary
(210) 659-9789

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