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The overall purpose of the District's purchasing program is to provide procedures and guidelines which will assist in obtaining the best value while procuring goods and services through utilizing best practices to ensure compliance with board policy, state laws and federal regulations.

Code of ethics

  • Avoid the intent and appearance of unethical or compromising practice in relationships, actions and communications.

  • Demonstrate loyalty to the District by diligently following the lawful instructions, procedures and policies using reasonable care while exercising only the authority which has been delegated to you.

  • Refrain from any private business or professional activity that would create a conflict between personal interest and the interests of the District.

  • Refrain from soliciting or accepting money, loans, credits, discounts, gifts, entertainment, favors or services from present or potential vendors.

  • Handle confidential or proprietary information with due care and proper consideration of ethical and legal ramifications and government regulations.

  • Promote positive supplier relationships through courtesy and impartiality.

  • Know and obey the letter and the spirit of laws governing the purchasing function and remain alert to the legal ramifications of all purchasing decisions.

  • Ensure that all segments of society have the opportunity to participate in governmental contracts.

  • Enhance the stature of the purchasing profession by improving technical knowledge and adhering to the highest ethical standards.

Mail Room

Mail Services handles the receipt and distribution of mail coming into and from the various campuses and facilities within JISD as well as the postage and delivery of mail going out. Mail Services also operates an intra-district 'pony' system allowing parcels to be handled between campuses and administrative offices.


The District Warehouse is responsible for the receipt and distribution of inventory stock items. In addition, Warehouse staff are also responsible for textbook delivery, property transfers and disposable of surplus personal property.

Lynne Trevino
Director of Purchasing
(210) 945-5524