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Child Find

Child Find is a requirement of both federal and state law. It mandates that each school district will locate, identify, and evaluate, at no cost to the family, all students, from birth to 21, who are suspected of having a disability.

Judson ISDs efforts include advertising the availability of services through media, public notices, community health fairs and informational brochures and flyers to private schools, daycare providers, hospitals and physicians.

If a child attends public, private or a home school in Judson ISD or if you know of a child residing in a foster home or other residential facility within Judson ISD and you believe the child has or may have a disability, please contact one of our campuses or the Special Education Child Find Office at 210-619-0354. Staff members will work to ensure that every child receives an appropriate evaluation to determine which children have a disability that qualifies for services. Services are offered to all children free of charge.

In 2019, the 86th Texas Legislature passed Senate Bill 139 (SB 139), which requires Texas local education agencies (LEAs) to distribute the following notice to parents:

Senate Bill 139 Notice to Families (English)

Senate Bill 139 Notice to Families (Spanish)




Special Education Referrals - CHILD FIND


Frequently Asked Questions - CHILD FIND


Child Find Intake

Franz Leadership Academy

12301 Welcome Drive

Live Oak, TX 78233


Main Line: (210) 619-0354

Office Hours: 8:00 am - 4:30 pm


Child Find Staff


Laura Higgins, LSSP

School Psychologist


Mirna (Gaby) Lopez, LSSP

Bilingual School Psychologist


Deborah Guajardo
Bilingual Speech Pathologist



Child Find Brochure (English)

Child Find Brochure (Spanish)

Developmental Milestones (English)

Developmental Milestones (Spanish)

Informed Consent Quick Guide

Referral for Initial Evaluation Quick Guide

Referral Timeline

Technical Assistance Child Find & Evaluation


ARD Guide (English)

ARD Guide (Spanish)

Notice of Procedural Safeguards (English)

Notice of Procedural Safeguards (Spanish)


Compensatory Services (English)

Compensatory Services (Spanish)