Behavior Academic Classroom (BAC)
A Behavior Academic Classroom (BAC) is a classroom for special education students who have severe behavior challenges that have not been able to be met in other instructional settings. Placement in the BAC classroom may be for all or for part of the day, with other classes in any other setting (general education, resource, co-teach, classroom support, etc.). The goal of the behavior program for every student should be to improve acceptable and appropriate behaviors, to develop self-awareness, self-monitoring and self-control, to make progress in academic achievement, and to participate in general education whenever possible. When a student is placed into BAC, the primary goal of the program is to move him/her out into less restrictive placements as the behavior improves.
A Behavior Academic Classes has:
- a positive, organized, orderly climate;
- consistently high quality academic instruction with access to the general curriculum;
- flexible instructional arrangements for individual, small group and large group learning opportunities;
- daily social skills instruction;
- a classroom management system based on positive behavioral supports;
- attention to the implementation of each student’s Behavior Intervention Plan (BIP);
- accurate and consistent data collection and record keeping on all student objectives;
- visible evidence of rules, procedures, routines, schedules, reinforcement menus and other positive behavioral supports;
- regular contact with parents to keep them involved in their child’s education;
- a crisis management plan.
Placement in a BAC must be determined through ARD action, using the following guidelines.
The student may NOT be appropriate for BAC placement if he/she:
- is eligible for special education services as a student with an emotional disturbance, but is not displaying behaviors that would require such a restrictive setting;
- displays problems that occur in only 2 out of 6 classes;
- is currently in all general education classes;
- is returning from a hospital setting;
- is so low functioning academically or intellectually that he/she is not receiving any functional skills instruction;
- has behaviors that are exacerbated by frequent absences, truancies or tardies.
The student who MAY be appropriate for placement in BAC if he/she:
- is having difficulty throughout the school day and across settings;
- is having difficulty dealing with a variety of teachers;
- is having difficulty with transitions between classrooms;
- continues to fail in settings less restrictive than BAC because his/her behavior interferes with learning;
- has difficulty with unstructured time;
- needs an extensive, externally managed behavior plan;
- has difficulty communicating with peers;
- needs a totally structured instructional day.
Placement of a student in a BAC must be determined by the ARD/IEP committee and the IEP must include goals that focus on behavior improvement as well as academic progress.