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Resource Class

A resource class, taught by a special education teacher, may be offered to students with learning difficulties when they are unable to achieve satisfactorily in general education classes. Resource classes may be offered in the areas of reading, language arts, mathematics, science or social studies. These classes should emphasize functional academics, as well as skills needed for school success, such as organization, study skills and social skills.

Resource classes should:

  • Provide research-based specialized instruction based on individual student needs in grade-level TEKS, as identified by the student's IEPs. This specialized instruction shall not duplicate general education classroom instruction, but shall reflect grade level curriculum standards;
  • Provide instruction to students on ways to compensate for learning problems that interfere with the way they process, retrieve and give back information;
  • Provide a flexible learning environment commensurate with student learning styles and needs;
  • Allow the opportunity for general education and special education teachers to plan together and monitor student progress.

Student participation in resource class must be determined by the ARD/IEP committee and the student's IEP must address specific goals to be mastered by participating in this setting.