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SchooLinks is a modern, college and career readiness platform to prepare students for what comes after graduation. SchooLinks helps students discover their interests and strengths, explore colleges and careers, and create an individualized career and academic plan that best reflects their post-secondary goals. SchooLinks at Judson ISD is accessible by 7th-12th grade students and their parents, counselors and staff.

SchooLinks features are incredibly user-friendly and were designed to streamline the college and career readiness workflow for counselors and staff.

Using SchooLinks, teachers, counselors and staff can:

  • Centralize all student info in one place (course plans, resumes, transcripts, scores, etc.)
  • Build their Personal Graduation Plan (PGP)
  • Communicate with students and parents.
  • Visualize analytics to understand cohort level trends.

Using SchooLinks, high school teachers, counselors and staff can:

  • Track students’ college applications
  • Post internships, scholarships and career fairs
  • Send electronic transcripts and supporting documents

Student Login: Students can login to SchooLinks through their JISD Portal