District Email and Web Filtering
Currently Network Services has implemented the Barracuda Spam Appliance(BSA) to protect our users from spam, malware, and inbound attached viruses. Since installation we have identified and blocked 14,052,289 emails, 225,103 viruses and we have quarantined over 4,845,719 emails for various other reasons . We average about 8,000 blocked emails a day that a identified as spam or malicious content.
Network Services uses content filters to prevent access to sites deemed inappropriate for both students and staff. This helps JISD ensures that both staff and students do not accidentally view material that can be considered offensive/harmful. Even though some material may get through , this is another layer of protection.
JISD's Content Filter allows us to inspect all web traffic in and out to monitor and stay in compliance with the following:
- Child Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA)
- Family Education Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA)
- Child Internet Protection Act (CIPA).